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Vision 2030

By creating the environment for our economy to grow like never before, our PC team has the plan to expand revenues in this province to continue investing historic amounts into the services Manitobans need, want, and deserve.

  • Fill 100,000 jobs over the next 5 years

  • Growth to 2 million population in 10 years

  • Support and expand our mining industry, with near-term projects on the way. Manitoba has 29 of 31 critical minerals the world wants

  • Expanding markets in Manitoba - building on our strong industries, and encouraging new burgeoning industries to come to Manitoba

  • Creating more good high paying jobs in Manitoba

  • Incentivizing employers to train in-demand workers and address labour gaps

  • Improving Manitoba’s tax system - by lowering income taxes, removing the land transfer tax on first-time home buyers and eliminating the payroll tax over 8 years

Growing Manitoba's Film Industry

A re-elected PC government will add an additional 10% to our existing film production tax credits to film productions filmed in Manitoba that use at least 50% music made by Manitoba artists.


Additionally, a $4.5M funding commitment to supporting mixed-use sound stages in Manitoba, will ensure that we have the facilities and personnel to attract future productions and artists in Manitoba.

Improve Animal Welfare in Manitoba

PCs pledge to triple funding for Veterinary Service Districts, which maintain clinics across the province on behalf of
veterinarians and the industry.

A re-elected PC government will also double the funding committed to the WInnipeg Humane Society for the One Health Program, which provides veterinary care in underserved rural and remote communities.

Supporting Aquaculture

A re-elected PC government will provide $20M to support the growth of the aquaculture industry in Manitoba.


Highlighting a first of its kind project farming arctic char in the RM of Rockwood, the Sapphire Springs project will provide hundreds of jobs for the interlake region.

  • Agriculture accounts for 17% of our GDP

  • Agriprocessing accounts for 8% of our GDP

  • Aquaculture will grow our agrifood sector

3 Key Priorities for Growth
  1. Expanding markets for Manitoba goods and services, and building the infrastructure to get them to market;

  2. Incentivizing employers to train up their workforce and work with the province to certify internationally educated professionals in their profession; and

  3. Making Manitoba’s tax system more competitive with neighbouring jurisdictions, and allow businesses and workers to keep more of their income.

100,000 Jobs

We will work to continue working to address labour shortages. To help fill 100,000 jobs over the next 5 years, a re-elected PC government will start a permanent skills training and recruitment fund with an initial $16M investment.


This fund aims to target sectors with the most in-demand labour gaps, with programming to support skills training and recruiting initiatives for workers in Manitoba.

Skip the PST on Restaurant Meals

A re-elected PC government will eliminate the PST on Restaurant meals to make life more affordable, and help support the restaurant industry

Eliminating the Payroll Tax

A re-elected PC government will eliminate the Payroll tax over 8 years, with a 50% reduction in 4 years. 

Removing PST on Plants

A re-elected PC government will remove the PST on house plants and bedding plants to beautify our neighborhoods, communities and houses, and to support local small businesses like garden centers and remove carbon from our atmosphere

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